Farewell to 2016 – and Moving Ahead to 2017

Sum-IT Health Analytics is completing its first full year of operation! We have been fortunate to work with several different hospitals and healthcare organizations during 2016.  Each new experience enables us to build relationships as we learn about your successes and challenges in being data-driven.  We are privileged to witness exceptional leadership and devotion to high quality patient care that has been so apparent in our meetings.

Although organizations want to be more data driven, many are challenged to develop in-house capacity to conduct healthcare data analytics; others find that contracts with some software vendors lack flexibility in working with data to estimate performance for new and evolving performance metrics. Sum-IT has the expertise and experience to support your organization to build analytic capabilities so that you can leverage your data and continue your good work.


Sum-IT Thought Leadership

In 2016, Sum-IT wrote White Papers on vital topics to help our clients to build analytic capabilities.  These include:

  • Population Health – the importance of taking a Public Health approach

  • Patient Engagement and Activation: the last mile towards healthier outcomes

  • Patient Complexity and Population Stratification Strategies


Sum-IT Recent Accomplishments

Dr. Miriam Isola, co-founder and chief strategy officer is now also Clinical Assistant Professor for the Biomedical Health Information Sciences program at University of Illinois at Chicago.   Top priorities for the next year include taking on the role of Program Director and building a healthcare data science track within the Masters of Health Informatics program. 

Dr. Kathy Schneider, co-founder and epidemiologist, presented a poster, “Variation in Treatment for Acute Stroke by Pre-Hospitalization Functional Status,” at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in Denver, CO in November. This is part of a larger Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) study of stroke, called “Understanding Treatment Effect Estimates When Treatment Effects are Heterogeneous for More than One Outcome” conducted at University of South Carolina (John M Brooks, PI).

Sum-IT has bases in Des Moines and Chicago, and our team has a deep understanding of local and statewide healthcare markets and needs. We are a highly responsive small firm that has a reputation for working collaboratively with our clients to provide customized services. 

It’s been quite a year for us all!   We couldn’t have done this without your support.  Wishing you a very Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2017. 
